Class of 2007

Welcome, Class of 2007!! Herein you will find all the pictures we took during your eighth grade year! Also,  I'm happy to say that I'm getting a lot of pictures of you all in high school!  If any of you wish to donate pictures - from 8th grade or high school - to share with everyone, I would be happy to post them. So, visit as often as you like, see what's new, relive old memories - this site is for YOU!!!!

    I am intending this to be a sort of yearbook, so to speak, where you can return whenever you like over the years. Unfortunately, with changing technologies, and an unsteady economy, I cannot guarantee that this website - or web hosting company - will always be here. So feel free to print or save any or all of these pictures!

(While I took the majority of the pictures myself, I did have some help. Mr. Dick and I work together to gather photos for each other, as we often find that only one of us can attend any particular event. So I owe him a big THANK YOU!!!!  Also, there were many students who took various photos throughout the school year. There are too many of you to list, but you know who you are. I really do appreciate all the help you gave me. Thank you. Thank you very much!!)


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