Enrichment Science!

Enrichment Science teaches the students about electricity and energy. This course is set up as two parts: the energy part involves group presentations on renewable energy resources; and the electricity part is lab-based on, well, electricity! This course repeats every quarter, when a new section rotates in.

Quarter 1: Section 8-4 

"Potato Power" allows the students to discover that even a common vegetable like potatoes are basic batteries, because they can produce electricity.

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As Allie hooks up the voltmeter, Claire reconnects a loose wire.

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Danny has a bit of difficulty hooking the wires up, so Mark offers some help with the screwdriver. (Yeah, that's what's happening!)


The students work on various electrical projects. 

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Dani & Gina get their DC motor runnin'. 

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Cory works on wiring up a switch.

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Claire and Allie each work on separate parts of their AC lamp circuit, while Liza shares a secret.

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Claire tries to show Jackie and Gina how to attach the plug. Jackie doesn't believe it'll work, and Gina just smiles for a picture.

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Jackie and Gina finally figure the project out - with a little teamwork.



Quarter 2: Section 8-1

"Orange Cells" introduced the students to natural batteries: oranges!!

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Caleb tests the voltage of the battery, while Joe and Ross record the data.

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Ben rolls the orange to loosen up more juice (the electrolyte), and Jeremy is just enthralled! Shawn reads the directions to make sure they're doing it right.


"Potato Power!"

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Jason and Luke test their spud.

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Amy couldn't wait to taste the raw potato!!!

Quarter 3: Section 8-2

"Potato Power!" This was the only lab of which I could take pictures, and wouldn't you know it? Everyone wanted to quickly finish the lab so they could eat the potatoes!!! 

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Brandon steadies the electrodes as the rest record data.


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Is Clare copying Kaylee's answer?? Well, they are working together in lab!


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Brittany proudly displays her potato.


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Val goes one better than Brittany by adding a voltmeter!


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Russ takes a big bite outta his potato.


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Kim gnaws away on her spud.


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Casie, Stephanie, and Jamie dig in.




Quarter 4: Section 8-3

Due to other circumstances, over half the students in this section had Enrichment Science third quarter. That means I had to change the program a bit, so as to not have anyone repeating experiments!

First up: designing and building motorized cars - that really go!! While some groups actually got a working model, the real purpose was to have the students use their creativity  in designing a model, and work to solve any problems that might arise. 

(This actually builds off  of third quarter's ending point - DC motors.)

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Austin headed up his group, and after working so hard, took a little nap.


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Thoroughly refreshed, Austin demonstrates his design. 



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Jake took charge in his group.



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Jake worked diligently on "his" car.



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Jake and Austin display their final designs. Jake's is on the left, Austin's on the right.

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Jake tests his, and finds it veers to the right - but gets going fast! 

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Austin found 4 or 5 variations on a theme all worked well.

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Kim & Katherine find a loose wheel the only thing stopping their car.

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Kayla, Kaylee, and Kim try like crazy to get one of their ideas to work.

  Just for the record: Austin did work with Jordan, Ryan, and Eric; Jake had partners in Russ, Nick, and Joe M.; Katie A. worked with Kim & Katherine; Joe B., Mark, and Donavon did get their model working, but tested it while I was assisting another group; Val, Ashley, and Brittany built what appeared to be a good car, but it wouldn't move; and Kim S., Kayla, and Kaylee came up with many good designs but just didn't have the right materials to make them work. I was very impressed with  everyone's quality of work!!


The students also attempted a lab from the book called "Tune In!", where they are to build a radio receiver. It is difficult to get working, and I spent most of the time helping groups. However, I did capture one picture. Here it is!

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Austin attempts to work the tuner, as Jake raises the antenna. Russell gives moral support. Through all their problem-solving efforts, they could not get results. Too bad. Sorry guys!


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