Spanish, Quarter 1

My own section, 8-4, had Spanish first quarter. These are photos of them working on their piñatas, courtesy of Mrs. Weidner.

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These 6 piñatas were chosen as the best, and were hung in the office for all of 2nd quarter.

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Gettin' a little goofy!

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Considering that most of these guys made a happy face on their piñata, you'd think more of them would smile.

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Not wanting to ruin his sweater, Kyle wrapped himself in plastic wrap. Finding new ways to solve problems. Now that's scientific thinking!!!! 

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Jackie displays her impression of the face on her fish piñata! (Jackie's the one in the striped shirt.)

Quarter 2

Section 8-1 Piñatas. 

8-1 pinatas 1.jpg (26813 bytes) 8-1 pinatas 2.jpg (29338 bytes) 8-1 pinatas 3.jpg (54042 bytes)
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