
Mr. Hatfield doesn't really like the camera in his classroom. After all, it can easily cause distractions. And his class is lecture based - not a whole lot of action there. Plus, Mr. Hatfield is extremely focused on history during class - he brings it to life during his lectures. Being totally enwrapped in his class, pictures don't often cross his mind. So the lack of photos from History class is no slight against Mr. Hatfield! The opportunity just doesn't come up. However, there was a speech on the Underground Railroad the students had to give in English, with an historical focus. It counted as a grade in both classes, and some students dressed up quite well for the part. Here's what we've got:

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David and Danny sit down to a meal. This was the only picture actually taken in history class. (Well, another of these two was taken, but didn't turn out very well. 



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Knowing their picture would not be taken otherwise, I caught Dani and Gina as they left for history. I thought they looked great!


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