Enrichment Literature, Page 2
Quarter 3: Section 8-4
The third quarter saw a continuation of Mr. Hatfield's At-Risk Study Hall, so Mrs. Gonwa's enrichment class had students from various sections. The main section was 8-4, however. The class read the book Lyddie, which is about girls working in the textile mills during the American Industrial Revolution. Again, I'm unsure about what some of these pictures show. Therefore I'll explain what I can, and hope I'm correct!
Gina, Dani, and Sarah performed a skit depicting the average workday - and Sunday - of a girl in the mills. Luke, who was in Math Enrichment, jumped in to narrate due to an absence. Way to go, Luke!
Although there were a few stagehands - and they were appreciated!, the actresses had to help rearrange sets, too. |
Letter - Writing
Aimee and Jackie played the parts of a Mill girl and her brother, respectively, writing letters back and forth.
In this section, I believe Ashley played a reporter, interviewing various characters associated with the Lowell Mills.
Aimee played a mill girl.
Cassie played ... a mill owner?
I don't remember what character Chelsy played. |
I don't remember Jackie's character, either, but she's apparently had it with the questions. "I'm outta here!" |
New Ending
The people in this final skit wrote a new ending to the book, and acted it out. The story has Lyddie's boyfriend die, Lyddie goes on to college, meets a new man (Do they get married?), who later dies of a mysterious illness. Or something like that. I'm unsure if these photos are in the correct chronological order. I beg your pardon for any errors.
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