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Amy LOVES the water!

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Jake demonstrates a new use for a kick board on Donavon, as Jack observes.

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Mara, Stephanie, and Casie take a break.

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Jordan treads water.

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Clare thinks her smile can hide her disappointment over forgetting her suit.

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Molly pretends sitting out - due to no suit - isn't so bad...

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...yet when Clare and Molly remember their suits, oh, what fun they have!!

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These girls are having a great time - except  the one who's drowning!!!

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As usual, I have no clue what Donavon is doing.

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Jordan! Get back in the water!

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These three don't seem real happy. Perhaps it's because they don't have their suits!?!

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Mrs. Albright gives a few directions.

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Jack pauses for a photo.


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Clare and Amy havin' fun.

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Katherine finds the waves here in Cedar Grove to be a tad small for surfing.

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Ryan looks for a helping hand.

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It's Ross' turn to pretend to enjoy not having his suit.

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These ladies really are enjoying themselves!

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The camera distract Jackie enough for Ben to steal the...the...whatever that thing is!

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Fun time in the pool!

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These 3 ladies take a breather.

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More fun!




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