Miscellaneous Phy. Ed. Shots

Here are some pictures from Phy. Ed. class that really don't fit into any category.

Amanda_Jamie.jpg (44497 bytes)

Amanda and Jamie take a quick time out.


Gym1.jpg (63596 bytes)

A little B-Ball.

Claire_Kaylz.jpg (52820 bytes)

Claire and Kaylee keep score. Or, try to, anyway.

Donavon.jpg (71793 bytes)

Donavon really likes his friends.

Girls1.jpg (58612 bytes)

Claire, Kaylee, Dani, and Kim

Boys.jpg (73211 bytes)

Mark tries taking Eric's bag while they sit on a mat.

Kim_Dani.jpg (70702 bytes)

Kim & Dani

Jamie_Casie.jpg (74512 bytes)

Jamie and Casie 

Jordan.jpg (20416 bytes)

Jordan looks like he just ate the school lunch.

Jackie.jpg (25166 bytes)

Jackie strikes a pose. Again.

Molly_Clare.jpg (78699 bytes)

Molly and Clare goof around.

Molly_Clare2.jpg (54466 bytes)

Why is Clare yelling? This camera does not record sound with still photos!

Mr_Moore.jpg (32863 bytes)

Mr. Moore starts with the basics. 

"O.K. kids. This is a v-o-l-l-e-y-b-a-l-l."


Gym2.jpg (54773 bytes)

Looks like we've got a little "Continuous Run" goin' on here!

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Jason keeps his eye on the ball, even when he's not up!

Gym_Amy.jpg (25683 bytes)

Amy loves Phy. Ed., and is proud to be a girl!

Gym_KimR.jpg (28241 bytes)

Either the home team is really, really good, or Kim doesn't know how to keep score. You be the judge.

Keith.jpg (27346 bytes)

Keith doesn't look too happy. Perhaps his team is losing? Too bad we can't see the score!


Gym4.jpg (46753 bytes)

Looks like Steve is hitting on Val and Brittany - and Jake is about to hit Val and Brittany - with the ball!




Gym5.jpg (53758 bytes)

Is Val...dancing ????






Gym6.jpg (79722 bytes)

Kim and Kaylee lead the pack.

Ryan.jpg (73371 bytes)

To what is Ryan pointing, I wonder?

Gym_Fight.jpg (79410 bytes)


Socks.jpg (62028 bytes)

Um...nice socks. 

Gym7.jpg (33536 bytes)

I'm not sure what's going on here, but apparently, all the real action is happening to our right. (That's where they're all looking.)


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